Ujumbe wa Msajili
I am pleased to welcome you to TPRB website which serves as a key communication tool between the Board and our stakeholders. I believe that everyone who visits our website will find something of interest. It is important for us to have visitors return frequently so that we can stay in constant contact with our stakeholders. We are committed to continue improve the access and quality of this website overtime.
The Town Planners Registration Board is a public institution established under the Act of Parliament No. 7 of 2007 charged with the duties among others to register, regulate and develop town planners career, advise the Government on technical issues concerning town planning, and promote transparency and certainty in the planning process in Tanzania. Central to these responsibilities is the need to improve quality of town planning professional in the country.
We will at all times be available to deliver services and information to the public in an efficient manner via this website and where physical visit is necessary, the office is open to all stakeholders.